Gravity’s conspiracy (lossy frost), 2023

Oil on hardboard

30.5 x 23 cm

Deep Slack I, 2023

Oil on panel

17.7 x 12.7 cm

Endless attempts into the same forking river (I don’t have any) , 2023

Oil on canvas

40.6 x 30.5 cm

Crater, fibroblast, cavity, macrophage, melting cherry, vascularization, 2023

Oil on panel

60.9 x 50.8 cm

The Second Collapse, 2022

Oil on panel

40.6 x 30.5 cm


The practice of Sihan Guo (Shanghai, China, 2000) meditates on the possible dissociation of human subjectivity led by today’s information technology. Her works evoke the idea of disintegration, absence, and self-erasure by experimenting with the materiality of painting. In her work, the orientation toward a human-less, subject-less, and collapsed vision of space denotes an object-oriented fantasy overriding any human perceptions.


Her inspiration often comes from deserted places, dilapidated monuments, and the imagination of the present man-made world as future remains — situations where human capability is alienated and relinquished.


Her work has been exhibited at the NARS Foundation (Brooklyn, NY), Commons Gallery (New York), the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (China) or Cornell University (NY).

